With the week's hectic activities onboard the Bacamarte and at the Alfeite Navy base in the evenings (and often late at night), the PIs decided that it was wise to give everyone a break and 'stand down' for the day. The initial plan to perform flight tests (and potentially AUV tests in the Sesimbra harbor) with the Bacamarte parked. As things turned out, with the uncertainty in understanding why the UAV controller was misbehaving, The very focused UAV team decided to go to Sesimbra later in the day anyway to run tests with an airframe. Meanwhile some electrical issues continued to be worked on, on the Noptilus platform which was brought over to the Navy base.
The day essentially progressed with small groups huddled around in meeting rooms at the dorm and the PIs and Javier Gilabert making a short hop across the bridge to Lisbon to drop off a student, have lunch and visit the famous Jerónimos Monastery and the Monument to the Discoveries to Portugal's maritime explorers in the 14th thru 16th centuries. The late evening also brought additional students and researchers from FEUP to join in as a helping hand for operations and debugging software and hardware for the upcoming week.